Texas Girls Coaches Association

Odd-Even Year Designations





The Summer Clinic determines odd-even year designations:


*      In even years, regions will elect one Junior Director in each even numbered region.

*      In odd years, regions will elect one Junior Director in each odd numbered region.


(Refer to Article X of the Bylaws)







The Summer Clinic determines odd-even year designations:


*      In even years, regions will elect one Alternate Director in each even numbered region.

*      In odd years, regions will elect one Alternate Director in each odd numbered region.




The Evaluation Committee is established in March for each evaluation school year.



*      In even years Senior Regional Directors from the even numbered regions will serve on the Evaluation Committee.

*      In odd years, Senior Regional Directors from the odd numbered regions will serve on the Evaluation Committee.




The Evaluation Committee is composed of the four designated Regional Directors, the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President and the Past President.